Avoid Deadlocks in Terraform

Recently I encountered a problem with the terraform code that I have written. It created a deadlock between resources.


resource "google_compute_instance_template" "instance_template" {

resource "google_compute_instance_group_manager" "igm" {
  version {
    instance_template = google_compute_instance_template.instance_template.id

Note: resource google_compute_instance_group_manager dependson resource google_compute_instance_template


Whenever there is a change in config of google_compute_instance_template, terraform will delete and create it freshly (as google_compute_instance_template is immutable resource)

So plan will show something like this

Plan: 1 to add, 1 to change, 1 to destroy.

During apply, it will first delete google_compute_instance_template, then create it and then change google_compute_instance_group_manager

While trying to delete, it will fail saying it is already in use by google_compute_instance_group_manager

Solutions: (I came across in below order)

Note: Use best solution only. Other solutions are just for learning purpose

Worst Solution
resource "google_compute_instance_template" "instance_template" {
  name_prefix = "my-template"
  # while create it will append some random numbers to the end
  # In this way, whenever it is recreated, name will be changed.

resource "google_compute_instance_group_manager" "igm" {
  name = "igm-${google_compute_instance_template.instance_template.id}"
  # whenever google_compute_instance_template changes, it will
  # recreate, which means name will change, which means name of
  # this resource will change. This way, we are forcing to
  # recreate this resource, whenever google_compute_instance_template
  # recreated
  version {
    instance_template = google_compute_instance_template.instance_template.id
Okay Solution

Whenever there is a change in google_compute_instance_template resource in terraform, follow below steps:

Sample code:

# content of ./terraform-apply.sh

# get plan as json
terraform plan -out=tf-state
terraform show -json tf-state > tf-state.json
# detech re-create change in google_compute_instance_template
result=$(cat tf-state.json \
| jq '.resource_changes[] | select( .type | contains("google_compute_instance_template"))' \
| jq '. | select(.change.actions[] | contains("create")) | select(.change.actions[] | contains("delete"))' \
| jq -r .address)

# delete recreating google_compute_instance_template state entry in tf-state
if [[ $result ]]; then
IFS=" "
for line in $result; do
    printf "Deleting State for: $line\n" && terraform state rm $line || exit 1;
# terraform apply
terraform apply $@
# curl/gcloud command to remove the old google_compute_instance_template
Best/Easy/Final Solution

Use create_before_destroy lifecycle meta-argument for google_compute_instance_template like

resource "google_compute_instance_template" "instance_template" {
    lifecycle {
        create_before_destroy = true

During apply, it will first create new google_compute_instance_template, then change google_compute_instance_group_manager (and all other resources which depends on it) and then finally delete the old google_compute_instance_template



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