Identity Federation

Before Identity Federation, lets talk about How are we accessing resources in Cloud

Accessing resources in Cloud


Note: Application needs access to consume the above resources

Examples of above diagram

Using Identities of that cloud


What are the problems of using cloud identity outside that cloud ?

It became Secret management problem from Identity/Access management problem

How will we do it, if the application is in the same cloud ?


Keyless authentication is the key 🙃

Identity Federation

That is what Identity federation is.


  1. Application get Identity key/secret/token from its own local Identity Provider
  2. Application sends this Identity key/secret/token to the destination cloud’s Token Provider
  3. Token Provider will validate this Identity key/secret/token against application’s Identity Provider
  4. Token Provider will issue a short lived token to Application
    • The token will have permission/role based on preconfigured values
  5. Now, application can use to access resources in cloud



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