Terminal: History Matters

For more productive, it is better to reuse the commands in history. In order to do that

Save more history
# bashrc/zshrc/etc

#### increase history size
export HISTSIZE=1000000
export HISTFILESIZE=1000000

Note: You can specify how big you want

Optimize the history

I wrote a simple scirpt in nim programming language for the bash_history file. You can find the script here. If you are using other than bash, feel free to raise PR for other shells.

Note: For oh-my-zsh refer the comments section below which contains the helpful links to achieve the same. Thanks to Prabhu for the comments

Able to find and reuse history easily

Using tools like fzf to do fuzzy search and find the older commands and use. Refer my another blog to see the easy usage of fzf.


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