Super cool exec command

exec (built-in command)

We can use exec for two use cases (as far as I learned today :-P)

To create independent shell from current shell

Usual way:

$ bash # created a bash shell
$ #do whatever you wanted
$ exit # will go back to the shell which it created

Using exec:

$ exec bash #created a bash shell and killed the current shell
$ #do whatever you wanted
$ exit  # will not go back to the shell which it created.

To change output/error stream of current process

$ echo 'Hi'        # printed in output stream
$ echo 'Hi' 1>&2   # printed in error stream (output -> error)
$ #Note: 1 is output stream, 2 is error stream
$ exec 2>/dev/null # redirect error stream of current process to null (error -> null)
$ echo 'Hi' 1>&2   # will not get printed (as output -> error -> null)
$ exec 1>/dev/null # redirect output stream of current process to null (output -> null)
$ echo 'Hi' # will not get printed (as output -> null)


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